Vocus.io Campaigns
Send personalized email campaigns with automated follow ups. Get detailed reports with CRM integration.

Join thousands of users from brilliant organizations
Easy, personalized campaigns
Vocus.io Campaigns allow you to send hundreds of personalized emails with just few clicks. Whether it's a simple one-off message or a complicated multi-stage campaign with attachments, you'll be able to launch them in no time.
Vocus.io integrates with your Gmail and G Suite accounts. Messages are sent from your name and email address, exactly as if you sent them manually.
Vocus.io integrates with your Gmail and G Suite accounts. Messages are sent from your name and email address, exactly as if you sent them manually.
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Detailed, shareable reports
Vocus.io records all email opens, clicks, and replies. You can easily create multiple campaigns and A/B test your message across the same audience profile.
Users in the same team are able to share mail merge reports, showing how many emails were sent/clicked/replied. This is a great way to keep everyone up to date on the performance of all the outreach activity and rally the team behind that goal.
Users in the same team are able to share mail merge reports, showing how many emails were sent/clicked/replied. This is a great way to keep everyone up to date on the performance of all the outreach activity and rally the team behind that goal.

Automate your followups
Spreadsheets, sticky notes, and CRMs to keep track of leads? A followup email will certainly double your chances for a response, but you have other things to take care of.
Vocus.io Campaigns allow you to create a sequence of "gentle reminders" to be sent out to non-responsive leads at a date and time you specify, until you get an answer. Instantly doubles your response rate.
Vocus.io Campaigns allow you to create a sequence of "gentle reminders" to be sent out to non-responsive leads at a date and time you specify, until you get an answer. Instantly doubles your response rate.

Schedule messages
A 10pm email on a Friday is likely to be buried by Monday. Vocus.io allows you to schedule your campaign, including each subsequent followups, to be sent at the best time to win your recipient's attention.

Edit campaigns, inflight
You can edit a scheduled message/followup anytime, which is especially useful when you get hold of a better email copy or product updates. You can also pause the campaign or remove individual contacts from subsequent messages.

Download campaigns data
Need more analysis? download a detailed CSV file showing the stage and metrics for each contact.
You can also stream this data real-time using our webhooks to your own internal dashboards.
You can also stream this data real-time using our webhooks to your own internal dashboards.

Attach files (not links!)
You can include an attachment with your messages, whether the first message or subsequent followups.
Attachments could be anything from PDFs to ZIP files. Classical mail merge apps will include your attachments as embedded links, which is an effective way to tell your leads that they are part of a mass email campaign. Vocus.io Campaigns on the other hand will include your files as real attachments (not embedded links), exactly how they'd look if you manually sent that email message.
Attachments could be anything from PDFs to ZIP files. Classical mail merge apps will include your attachments as embedded links, which is an effective way to tell your leads that they are part of a mass email campaign. Vocus.io Campaigns on the other hand will include your files as real attachments (not embedded links), exactly how they'd look if you manually sent that email message.

CC a colleague
Keep everyone in the loop. Vocus.io Campaigns allows you to CC your colleague even when sending out campaigns, so any reply will go to both of you.

Log to CRM
Automatically log sent emails to your CRM (Salesforce, Hubspot, Pipedrive, etc) using auto-bcc. For Salesforce users, you can also log email opens and link clicks.
You can also make use of webhooks to connect to your own internal systems or Zapier flows.
You can also make use of webhooks to connect to your own internal systems or Zapier flows.

Branded link and open tracking
Personalize the domain name of your unsubscribe, open, and click tracking links.
Using Branded URLs, you'll be able to specify your own domain name, thereby improving your deliverability score and get that extra notch of credibility.
Learn more.
Using Branded URLs, you'll be able to specify your own domain name, thereby improving your deliverability score and get that extra notch of credibility.
Learn more.
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GDPR, CCPA Compliant
We are inline with GDPR & CCPA privacy regulations.
Verified by Google
We passed an external security assessment audit required by Google to keep user data safe.
Best Calendly Alternatives Best Mail Merge for GmailSupport
Got a question? send us a note at hello@vocus.io.
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