Teams and Collaboration allows you to easily create multiple teams, centralize your billing, and/or share your snippets, mail merge reports, email activity and analytics with your colleagues. This is a great way to rally your team behind a common goal and stay on top of each other's outreach progress.
Centralizing billing
You can create a team with centralized billing. Members of that team will be enrolled under your billing account, allowing you to add and remove members under a centralized credit card. If you do not want to pay for other members' subscriptions, leave this option unchecked.
Sharing reports
Checking this option will allow members to view each others' Stream and Analytics page. Whenever a team member sends an email, a record of that email (subject line and recipient address only, without body) will be visible to everyone else in the team. Your Stream page will start showing activity generated by other users.
Inviting users
To invite a user, simply click on "Invite Member" from the team screen and specify their email. Your colleague will receive an email notification and a confirmation list. The page behind the confirmation link will ask them to confirm their intent to join the team, and will list the requested permissions. The screenshot below is an example of a confirmation page that requests centralized billing and shared analytics.

Multiple email accounts
When inviting a team member to a team with shared analytics, you will need to specify what email account they own that you request access to. For example, if a user has ( and (, inviting the work email will not give you access to their personal email, and vice versa.