CRM Integration can integrate with almost any CRM using the smart BCC address. All your outgoing emails will be logged in your CRM, including scheduled emails, emails from automated followups, and emails from mail merge. You can also manually log replies from your leads and setup rules to exclude internal emails from your colleagues.
Gmail CRM integration is available from the Dashboard > Settings screen.

Logging to CRM
First you need to find the BCC address given to you by your CRM provider. This should be easy to find from your CRM's settings screen, but just in case, here are some links for the major providers out there:
Once you have that email, copy it and open your Dashboard, navigate to integrations screen and choose your work email, scroll down to "Auto BCC" section and paste it in the "BCC email" field.
That's it! you are now good to go.
Excluding internal emails
You can exclude automated logging of emails to individual addresses or whole domains, such as your teammates, by specifying the addresses and the domains in the fields above. This can be accomplished from the same view where you setup a BCC email.
Log received emails
Sometimes you'll want to log an email that you received or a reply to your message. This can be accomplished with two clicks: open the email that you want to log, click on "" button on top of that email, and choose "Log to CRM". Your email will now appear under within your CRM for Gmail incoming emails.